Figure out the abs of the competition and how you can have them too!

Do you know what it takes to get those competitor abs? A lot of people will say that to get those six pack abs you need to do a lot of sit ups. Sit-ups are a GREAT exercise to get a slim midsection, but there are so many other aspects that are involved if you want a nice, tight waist.

If you have a strong desire and discipline, then there is no reason why you can’t build a good set of ripped abs. That is how.

The plain truth about those contender figure abs is to eat a clean diet. A clean diet does NOT include junk food such as soda, cookies, cakes, pastries, fast food, etc. A diet composed primarily of whole, natural foods will give you ripped abs in no time.

Choose natural proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beef, etc. These will support lean muscle gains, boost your metabolism, and in turn burn body fat. Make sure your diet is balanced by including healthy carbohydrates like potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice, as well as essential fats found in avocados, natural peanut butters, nuts and seeds, and healthy oils. Ideally, if your food can be hunted, gathered, gathered, harvested, etc. is considered acceptable for fat loss.

Also, cardio is a factor in getting those competition abs. Cardio burns calories and increases your metabolism to burn off excess body fat. When the layers of body fat fall off, your lean and firm abs will be more apparent.

No need to do cardio 7 days a week for hours on end. Just do a scheduled light to moderate cardio program like 3 times a week for 20 minutes and increase the time or days slowly so you don’t overwhelm your body and burn it out. Some tricks with cardio and making it effective is to progress slowly and change the intensity.

Another aspect of getting those competitor abs is abdominal exercises. Since the abs are a small group of muscles that you don’t intend to get bigger in size, it’s perfectly acceptable to train them multiple times a week. Most figure competitors train their abs every other day.

Make sure you get a full abdominal workout by doing reverse crunches, bike crunches, exercise ball crunches, vertical leg crunches, etc. By implementing a variety of ab exercises, you really target your abs, increase circulation to that area, and burn MORE body fat!

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