How Does Reformer Pilates East Sheen Differ From Traditional Pilates?

Reformer Pilates East Sheen Differ From Traditional Pilates

While both Pilates and reformer Pilates share similar core principles (controlled movements, core engagement, muscle strengthening) the main difference between these two workout styles is that reformer Pilates incorporates a specialised piece of equipment known as a reformer. The reformer machine resembles a flatbed carriage with springs, pulleys and ropes and is designed by Joseph Pilates himself.

In a Reformer Pilates East Sheen class, the equipment adds increased resistance and a broader range of exercises that you can’t do on the mat. This results in a full-body workout that is highly challenging and rewarding. Moreover, the resistance provided by the reformer can be customised so it is appropriate for all fitness levels.

If you are a beginner or have a previous injury, our experienced instructors will ensure that your workout is safe and suitable for your level of fitness. We also have a Physiotherapist on hand to assist with injuries or health issues that may arise during the course of the session.

How Does Reformer Pilates East Sheen Differ From Traditional Pilates?

The combination of Classical Reformer with dynamic Pilates classes also helps improve your ability to perform both forms of Pilates – bringing increased proprioception, balance and agility to your practice. In addition to this, the added cardio of the reformer workout increases your heart rate, resulting in increased physical intensity and a higher metabolic burn. This is particularly beneficial to those who want to improve their strength and muscular endurance as it can reduce recovery times and enhance performance.

Unlike traditional mat Pilates, reformer Pilates classes work to fatigue the muscles through repetitive movements, increasing the effectiveness of your workout and making it more time efficient. As a result, the exercises performed in a reformer class more closely resemble those of a weight-bearing strength training program and often leave you feeling the effects of a heavy gym workout afterward.

Reformer Pilates also allows us to increase the amount of tension in the muscles, a concept called “time under tension”. This means that we can exercise the muscles to the point of fatigue using springs and your bodyweight, which can create an incredible and effective full-body workout.

If you’re looking for a new challenge and to push yourself to the limit, our reformer classes are ideal. The dynamic classes are led by one of our experienced and knowledgeable instructors and offer a high-intensity workout on the reformer. We recommend bringing water, wear comfortable clothing and a pair of Ten grip socks (available in our studio). Book your space on the class schedule today.

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