Get rid of a sore throat in 24 hours

Have you ever had a sore throat?

Have you ever had a child who had a sore throat?

Well, I can show you how to get rid of that sore throat, or at least greatly reduce the pain and duration of that sore throat. And this can be done in one day. That’s how it is. Do this at night before bed and in the morning you won’t even remember that you had a sore throat.

You should first check with your family doctor to make sure this is safe for you and your loved ones. I did this to my grandsons when they were 2 years old with no ill effects. But I can’t stress enough for you to check with your doctor. I do not know you or your family and I cannot be responsible for your safety and health, so check with your doctor.

Also, there are different reasons for sore throats. I mean, if you have strep throat, then you need to see your doctor. So see your doctor.

Well, this is what I do. It’s actually very simple, and to be honest, everyone I’ve done this to is just as surprised as I am that it actually works. It sounds crazy, but it works.

It all started when I had a toothache. I went to the dentist and he told me I had an abscessed tooth. I would need to have my roots planned out. He explained that my gums would be cut and removed from my teeth and then… I would be out of there. At least 6 months to heal my eye.

So I remembered when I was reading a magazine before, I saw an ad for something called The Smile Method. So I set out to locate the ad. I located the ad and they had a product that would fix my problem for about $30. I sent the money and a few weeks later I received the kit.

It included a book and 2 things that looked like syringes. Only instead of a straight, sharp needle, they had a bent needle that wasn’t sharp. Reading the book, I found out that I was supposed to fill the syringe with an antibiotic and insert it between my problem tooth and the gum. He recommended that salt water, hydrogen peroxide, or colloidal silver could be used as an antibiotic.

It had a little bit of peroxide in it so I tried it and it hurt. I want to tell you that it hurts like crazy. When that peroxide hits the infected area, you can imagine how much it bubbled up. But the good news is that afterward my tooth felt better.

Well the next morning my tooth hurt again so I tried the peroxide again. Man, oh man, did it ever hurt you. I thought this is crazy, I can’t do this every day.

I had had some experience with colloidal silver in the past few years and was convinced that it is a great antibiotic.

So the next morning I tried the treatment again. This time I used a mixture of peroxide and colloidal silver. I assumed that the peroxide would burst into bubbles pushing the silver spots where it couldn’t otherwise reach. The little areas inside my gum that were now full of infection should be filled with the silver peroxide mixture.

Well, it hurt quite a bit, but that was the last time it hurt. Every day I still did the peroxide and colloidal silver treatment and it never hurt again. That went on for several years until I went in and had a root canal done on that tooth.

What does that have to do with a sore throat? Well, I’ll tell you. I used the same mix of colloidal silver and peroxide to stop my sore throat.

I have a small 1 ounce dropper bottle. I put 10 drops of colloidal silver, 500 parts per million, in the bottle. Then I fill the bottle with hydrogen peroxide. Just the cheap stuff you get from the pharmacy. You probably already have a bottle at home.

Then I tip the bottle a couple of times to make sure it’s well mixed.

Then I have the child lie on his side. I put a dropper filled with the mixture in his ear. Now little kids, who have never done this before, will freak out at this point. This is because as the peroxide starts to bubble, it gets a little noisy. With all the bubbling, it actually sounds like a deep fryer. Imagine dropping a piece of moist chicken into a deep fryer. Go from total silence to an instant burst of bubbles.

Don’t worry. After a few seconds, when the young rascal realizes that there is no pain, he will experience the real problem. This thing tickles, and it tickles a lot. When my granddaughter was 3 years old, she really liked to do this. She would lie there and laugh as the bubbles did their thing.

Well, the next morning, the sore throat will be gone. If not, no one will care to do it again. Like I said, there is no pain at all. It tickles and sometimes even itches. But it works very well.

So the next time you have a sore throat or itchy throat, try this. Even pure peroxide will help. It just doesn’t seem to last as long or be as effective as the colloidal silver mix.

In fact, my family does this from time to time as a preventative measure. And surely every time it tickles our throats. Give it a try and you’ll be amazed at how well it works.

Here you have more information about the Smile Method. I am in no way affiliated with this company. I only own your product.

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