Green Lantern birthday party ideas

Need ideas for a Green Lantern birthday party? In this article you will find ideas for invitations, room decor, party games and activities, gift ideas, food suggestions, and birthday cake ideas for your party. My grandson had this theme for his birthday party, so I thought I’d share some of our ideas.

The invitations

Invite the guest to wear a solid green t-shirt or any Superhero t-shirt (if you have one) to the party. Buy themed party invitations or make your own out of green construction paper and add Green Lantern stickers to decorate.

Ideas to decorate the party room

We decorated for our party with themed tableware and lots of green balloons! This can include paper plates, napkins, cups, tablecloths, centerpieces, and any other available birthday decorations that you like. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on decorations, use solid green plates and napkins. If you already have some Green Lantern toys, randomly place them around the room. Also, a movie poster is very inexpensive and will make a great party decoration that can double as a gift.

Games and activities for parties

Any ideas:

1. Superhero: free game

2. Contest of superheroes for the best movement

3. Hot Hero: Play this like the classic Hot Potato game, but use a Super Hero doll or a green ball instead.

4. Put the tail on the donkey: don’t forget this classic party game.

Party Favor / Prize Ideas

Green Lantern rings, bracelets, masks, stickers, and tattoos are great ideas for game favors and prizes.

Party food suggestions

Keep it simple. Superheroes eat on the run, so all you need are bite-size snacks. We serve lime-ade along with other beverage options.

Birthday cake

If you want to save money and make your own cake, buy a couple of Green Lantern figures (they can double as a gift!) To put on a homemade or store-bought cake. I bought the Planet OA set for my grandson as a gift and used the figures with the kit for his cake. If possible, use green frosting for the border or make all frosting green. Most bakeries will have themed cakes available, but be sure to order ahead. I always like to serve cocktail mints and peanuts with the cake and ice cream.

In summary

It’s so easy to throw a fun party for kids! Send out green invitations inviting your guest to wear a green shirt (or any Superhero shirt) to your party. Decorate with Green Lantern dinnerware, movie posters, and lots of green balloons. Play some fun games and save time to enjoy tons of free superhero games. Finish with a themed cake (which you can easily make yourself) and ice cream. Don’t forget to take lots of photos! I hope these ideas have helped you plan your party!

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