Head Lice Treatments – The Many Ways to Prevent the Spread of Head Lice

It is very frustrating to see your child get irritated with lice and scratch their scalp from time to time. This is the most obvious indication that your child is infested with lice and nits. Once he is sure that he has lice and nits on the scalp, he should apply lice treatments as soon as possible. There are several things to consider before applying any lice treatment to your child. Here are the many ways to prevent head lice from spreading rapidly in the home:

When using prescription shampoos, creams, or lotions that you bought without a prescription, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully to see the immediate effect on your scalp. With most lice shampoos, it works well when applied correctly and regularly. Apply lice shampoo to damp hair and leave it in for at least ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Use a fine-toothed comb to remove dead lice and nits from the scalp. Comb your hair from the roots to the ends and discard all the dead nits and lice in an adhesive tape. Apply a generous amount of treatment shampoo to damp hair for seven days in a row to completely kill all nits and nymphs and prevent reinfestation. Just be patient when doing this process because you can’t expect to remove all the nits in one setting.

Head louse is not an infectious disease although it is highly contagious because anyone can get it through direct contact with an infested individual. Also treat the whole area of ​​the house and wash all the things that have been in contact with people with lice, such as bedding, blankets and other sheets. Start cleaning your houses by removing all bedding and sheets; wash them with hot water and bleach. Place all laundry and bedding in a dryer for about twenty minutes to kill any loose lice and nits. You can put the pillows in the dryer instead of using the washing machine and dry clean them. Anything else, such as toys, can be placed in an airtight plastic bag for two weeks and stored to kill lice. You can also use vacuum cleaners for upholstered furniture and carpets to keep them clean and tidy. Start cleaning your cars with a vacuum cleaner and make sure that all the interior of the car is also clean. Be sure to disinfect all your personal hair care belongings such as combs, hairbrushes, headbands and clips with alcohol or if they are old enough you can throw them away so you can buy a new one.

Lice are wingless but contagious parasitic insects because they can be affected by them. If there is a child at home infested with lice, then everyone should be treated as soon as possible. Lice do not have wings to fly, but they can crawl and transfer from one person to another. Anyone in the home is susceptible to head lice, so proper hair care treatment and good personal hygiene should be observed.

Having lice is nothing serious but it is very annoying and irritating due to the discomfort and itching that they cause to the infested individual. If you want to prevent other members of the house from having lice, a thorough cleaning and disinfection process must be carried out. One of the most practical head lice treatments is prevention. Prevent lice from accumulating inside your home by maintaining cleanliness and order at all times. Never share personal things with anyone because by sharing personal hygiene things, the accumulation of lice will be easier than you really expected.

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