Homeschooling and Down Syndrome

Making the decision to homeschool any child is difficult, if not daunting, for any parent, and especially those who have children with special needs, such as Down syndrome.

Do the benefits of educating a child at home outweigh those of an education within the public sector? How can you be sure that homeschooling is appropriate for your child? These questions can only be answered by each individual considering the option. However, once the decision to homeschool has been made, there are several things that must be done to help your child reach his or her full potential in this educational setting.

First and foremost are the individual needs of the child and their learning process. What spectrum, or how severe, is his learning disability? How are your interaction skills with others? What objectives are sought and how are they reached? Because each child is different, an individualized plan is essential.

An Individualized Education Program, also known as an IEP, is required for all children who attend public school. This assessment is also essential for homeschooled children. The IEP looks at the specific needs of the child and helps identify a specific program with goals and effective strategies for both learning and teaching. The plan allows flexibility so that the child can learn at her own pace and her success can be measured more effectively.

There are several steps involved for the IEP, as well as measurements and reassessments, but this highly effective tool is beneficial to students, parents, and caregivers alike. Information about the IEP, the steps involved, and what to expect can be found on the website below (1)

The second strategy for creating a successful and positive home school education is the environment in which the child will learn. Having a separate area in the home is essential for the home schooled student. This area is to be used only during the educational process and at no other time. This area helps set the mindset for learning time, just like being in a school or library helps a child make the correlation between quiet time and reading versus the cafeteria at lunch. The room should be filled with the necessary learning tools and materials. Some parents also include items that can be used as rewards once the child has successfully completed a certain task or learning session. The National Homeschooling Network (NHEN) has great homeschooling resources, links and information along with forums, support and help for those just starting out in the process or those who have been homeschooling for years. (2)

Structuring learning times in homeschooling is also vital, leaving room for flexibility. Many families homeschool during specific hours, while others find that splitting up instructional times gives children time to absorb what they have learned in a short period, before reinforcing that same material in a different way or starting new ones. goals. Again, this is a matter of personal preference and what works best for your child. Karen, a mother from Ohio, has found that short breaks between learning sessions with her son, Tom, allow for much-needed mental breaks when the material seems excessively difficult for him, but she has found that he has exceeded goals they never thought they would. could achieve. at first. Her schedule is flexible, with the attitude: “If he does well and completes the assignments, we’ll move on!”

Finally, homeschooling should be both fun and educational. The limits of teaching and learning are limitless. Children excel in rewarding learning environments and more often than not exceed goals and expectations when given an exciting and fun curriculum. Almost anything can be turned into a fun learning activity, limited only by our imagination. And, for those who may have a hard time with that part of teaching, going to your local library has great resources to help jump-start that fun and creative side we may have buried.

The decision to homeschool is both rewarding and challenging, but by assessing your child’s needs and creating a functional program with an IEP, setting up the environment with the tools necessary to get the job done, having a functional schedule, and an exciting atmosphere and rewarding for your child to learn, excel and grow, you will find that both you and your child will thrive beyond expectations. So, get out those bubbles, tickler fingers and goofy faces and enjoy the whole process!

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