Honesty will set you free, not so much The truth: reality

When I think about life, I don’t think about the truth. The truth is what normal people think to their own detriment. Honesty and reality are where it is. If honesty and reality weren’t where they are, then we would all have a great life instead of just a boring and unsatisfying one full of truth. Honesty replaces truth in this way: being honest instead of just truthful is more complete than just telling the truth. For example, President Bill Clinton was telling the truth when he said that he did not inhale marijuana smoke and when he asked “What is the exact meaning of is?” in a statement for one of his sexual harassment cases. On the other hand: honest and objective information about things is always appreciated no matter how you look at it.

So when I think about life, I don’t think about the truth. I think in full context, honest facts rather than the truth. Surely the truth is a beginning that “will set you free.” But honesty and reality in full context and consistency will keep you free. Now, I know that will sound ridiculously difficult to some, especially those with deep and difficult things worth denying. But in the end, what is really left? Everything that it is remains honesty, reality and yes, the real truth, pure and honest too.

So when I think of existence, what is there? The honest, real and genuine facts and nothing more, whatever the justifications, rationalizations and unrealities that our justifications and rationalizations subject to our mind. In fact, honesty is the key to genuine power. The truth without that anchor is a joke we play on ourselves. Like President Bill Clinton asking “What is the exact meaning of is?” We can dance, we can waltz, we can fool ourselves, but in the end, all that really exists is the honest facts beneath all the tricks, games, and justifications.

So honesty comes after truth when done right. When done wrong, the truth is justified in justifications, stories and games that cajole honesty.

In the end, evading honesty with lies, pushing the half-truth, and playing games only leads to disaster. Because, in effect, honesty always ends with what it is, regardless of the distortion of realities and the evasion that may occur. As well hidden as it may be, honesty is always there at the end of everything.

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