How to make traveling by car fun

Every year, families get in their cars and go on a vacation road trip. Inside

minutes the kids start to get bored of riding in the car and you keep the

headache from trying to make your travel experience fun before they start pestering

each other.

Here are some suggestions to make your trip fun, smooth and always dreaded.

“Are we there yet?” question.

1. Play the alphabet game. – Children of reading age and older can play this game.

There are a few variations to this game. Starting with the first letter of the alphabet,

A – Find this letter on signs, billboards, or vehicle license plates, but the word must begin

with the letter A with a name like Applebees. Continue with letter B, for example: Yes

you go through a Burger King restaurant, then you have your B and you can start

looking for C. Of course you can make up the rules to your liking depending on the

age of your children The key is that you have to find these letters in sequence.

2. Another variation of the alphabet game will work for younger children by finding

objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet. If you pass a red barn,

you could probably claim an R (red) or a B (barn), depending on which letter

need below.

3. Play card games. There are many easy games that do not require much

space as one or war. Some travel games can pass the time and keep the children

happy while you take a break from the action.

4. Play the I SPY game. I see something green and it’s outside (instead of inside)

Car). Passengers take turns looking outside for something that might be the color

green. The object will most likely pass by quickly, so you will need to be alert and take action.

quickly. This is a great game to get your kids thinking as well as keep them busy and

aware of your surroundings.

5. Have the kids watch a movie or play their own travel game. the children will be

busy and probably glued to his own entertainment.

Don’t forget to take a break. Although stopping does not quickly get you to your

destination, it is important to make at least one stop along the way. Stretch breaks like

as well as blatter relief should not be neglected as they are important for their bodies

wellness Getting some fresh air on the road will make your road trips that much more

more enjoyable for everyone.

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