Make your sick puppy well again

Nurturing and caring for your sick puppy

Now a day, our pets are like our children. They are very precious to us and when one gets sick it can cause us great concern. When puppies get sick, it can be even more worrisome because, just like young children, illness can affect the sick pup more. Figuring out why he’s sick can be very difficult to diagnose because, unlike children, they can’t tell you where it hurts. This article will help you learn some of the basics of first aid so your pup can get back on its feet quickly. We should first mention that if your sick pup vomits blood or has a bloody stool, call your vet immediately. This can be a very serious case.

Ways to know that your dog is sick.

All dogs have cold, wet noses. When a puppy or adult dog gets sick, he will have a hot, dry nose. This will let you know that your dog has a fever. Fever is not bad because it is a natural reaction of the body and the increase in body temperature is a sign that the immune system is fighting the disease. You can also take your dog’s temperature, but this can be very difficult to do, so touching the nose is the best way to get a quick response.

Whenever you notice your dog vomiting or uncomfortable, feel the puppy’s nose and if it is hot, you should call your vet and ask what you can do. Be sure and follow the advice of the vet. He was visiting my brother last week and his wife noticed that their 9-month-old boxer had a baseball-sized bruise on his side. The bruise was noticeable up close but not from afar. My brother thought it might just be a bee sting and he gave it no further thought. His wife felt the dog’s nose and it was dry and warm. To make a long story short, she called the vet and the next morning she took the dog. He ended up getting a huge infection from something and the vet said if she hadn’t taken care of him he probably would have died in a matter of days. The moral here is to always call a professional when in doubt.

When your puppy is sick, give him a quiet place to sleep and make him as comfortable as possible. Taking care of your sick puppy is as simple as taking care of a sick human. In most cases you should only give the dog water and no food for that day.

It has been proven that puppies respond more to love than to food. Try to give them a lot. Pet the dog and let it lie on your lap. This will comfort the sick little pet of him. Many times, a vet will tell you to crush up half an aspirin and feed it to your dog with water. Call your vet first before giving your dog any medication because what is good for humans can kill your pup.

When you go to bed at night, let the puppy sleep in your room. This really does a lot for the pup because he knows you are there. This will also allow you to keep a close eye on him so he can monitor his condition and know if he gets worse. If the dog is still sick in the morning, you should take it to a veterinary clinic.

Puppies are normally not sick for a long period of time. In most cases, it will only last one day. If it lasts longer, call your vet because something may be very wrong. If you follow these common puppy grooming tips, your pup will be running around your house in no time.

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