Promises/Rhetoric, Versus, Facts/Solutions, in Politics: 5 Key Areas!

Why does it seem, so often, we witness, a way of, Already seen, where politicians seemingly constantly avoid making timely, necessary and well-considered decisions, and resort to harmful procrastination? We keep witnessing a tendency towards empty promises and rhetoric, when we face – the – facts, in an open, realistic, relevant, sustainable way and recognizing the possible ramifications, it is necessary and necessary! Although this is not a new fact, it seems that today the level of strictly partisan politics, with very little attempt at compromise and seeking a meeting of minds, for the common good, is not even considered or attempted. . Occasionally some representatives seem to attempt this, but the way Congress, and especially the United States Senate, functions and operates, often stifles any opportunity to achieve what the citizens, the nation, and our planet, need! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 5 key areas where this is needed sooner rather than later.

1. Climate Change exists: Although some seem to try to bury their heads in the sand and deny the potential and realistic dangers of climate change, there is no doubt that it exists. Scientists and climate experts tell us that we have already witnessed a dangerous previous stage of this and the planet. it is heating up, and we risk a dangerous ascent, in tides, storms, etc. Instead of trying to be popular and avoid taking responsible action, we need leaders who are ready, willing and able to articulate a strategic and action plan to address these needs in a responsible, responsive, relevant and sustainable way.

two. Environmental issues: For decades, American presidents seemed to be making progress realizing that we must address protecting our environment, especially in the areas of clean air and water. We saw essential regulations enacted until past President Donald Trump, who proactively rolled back many of these protections, apparently trying to pander to his perceived core supporters, etc. Doesn’t it make sense to plan – in advance, responsibly, to avoid, a planet, without sustainability, into the future?

3. Immigration: How strange, for a nation, founded by immigrants and welcoming people from all over the world, to suddenly endorse such a high degree of xenophobia, hate and bigotry/prejudice! Although this is nothing new, when a former US president articulated a message of fear, anger, and prejudice, the nation and the world are the losers!

Four. Freedoms/ Rights: America sets itself apart from many other nations because of our constitutional guarantees and the freedoms and rights we protect! Unfortunately, in the last decade (or less), hate, rhetoric, and vitriol have attempted to apply them selectively.

5. Fear and hate, versus, better ways: When fear, hate, and prejudice become the way, instead of much better, America and the American people lose! We must demand, better, and an emphasis on unity, instead of polarization!

Wake up, America, and demand better, instead of allowing rhetoric and empty promises to take the place of quality, workable solutions, strategies, actions, and planning! It depends on all of us!

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