Septic Tank Pumping: How Your Septic System Works & Maintenance Tips

Generally, your septic system consists of a septic tank and drain field, and in some cases, a pump tank for those who cannot gravity feed the drain field. Septic systems can last for decades, if they are given proper maintenance along with some helpful tips and insights that all homeowners should know.

Typically, a 3-bedroom home that is 2,250 square feet or less has a 900-gallon septic tank. The septic tank receives all the wastewater from a home. This includes showers, toilets, washing machines, dishwashers and sinks. According to the American Water Works Association, the average person uses about 70 gallons per day on average. The family of 4 would add up to 280 gallons per day. So imagine how quickly your septic tank will fill up and how much water has to flow through the tank to reach the drain field.

What most people don’t realize is that all the solids or waste in the house also collects in this tank. Solids left in the septic tank consist of things like toilet paper, human waste, food from the garbage, lint and hair from the washing machine or shower, and also unexpected things that children or guests may flush down the toilet. These elements will accumulate and become a layer of sludge at the bottom of the tank. This layer can rise up in the tank and travel to the drain field lines, which begins to cause the drain field to fail and causes wastewater to flow back into your home or yard.

Often times, homeowners will see advertisements for bacterial additives that claim to break down the slime layer and make it disappear. But, don’t be fooled. The only way to remove waste from your septic tank is to pump it out. Why risk ruining your drain field? It is the most expensive component of your system. Protect it by emptying your septic tank every three to five years, depending on the number of people living in the home.

Here are some other tips homeowners need to know to protect their system:

  • Homeowners should check for leaks in faucets and toilets.
  • Homeowners who do a lot of laundry, such as those with young children, should try to space out the laundry throughout the week.
  • Skip the all-day laundry marathon on Saturday. Excessive water consumption can cause drain field failure.
  • Know the location of the septic tank system to avoid driving a vehicle over the system.
  • Avoid planting trees and shrubs in or near the septic system. Homeowners often mistakenly plant trees near a drain field. The roots will infiltrate the drain field system due to the easy source of water and will grow in the pipes.
  • Another helpful tip is to avoid placing an irrigation system near your drain field or pump tank. Water from the irrigation system can oversaturate your drainage field. Also, if you have a dosing tank, water can erode the circuit board of your high water alarm.

Through consistent pumping of the septic tank, and by following these important tips, you can help avoid costly backups and also increase the life of your system.

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