The Mediterranean Diet Plan: What Makes This Diet Different?

The Mediterranean diet plan is a cuisine-inspired nutritional diet pattern that has been traditionally consumed as part of the culture of the coastal regions of southern Italy and parts of Greece. It was introduced to the world in 1945 and, in the mid-1990s, it came into being in its current form through books and recipes. Several diet and health studies have associated it with a longer lifespan, lower rates of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and dementia, as well as helping prevent type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. That is quite an impressive list. But here we will examine whether the Mediterranean diet plan also promotes fat loss.

What makes the Mediterranean diet plan different from most plans is that it is not designed specifically for weight loss, but rather as a common style of eating; almost like a dietary way of life. Some of its main characteristics are the following:

– Maximize natural whole foods and reduce the use of processed foods. Whole foods are unprocessed and have no additives. Ideally, they are organic or are sometimes referred to as “natural foods,” meaning that they have not been treated with harmful chemicals during growing or preparation. In another article we will discuss the potential harm of refined and processed foods that are not organic, but the Mediterranean diet emphasizes their non-use.

– The diet is abundant in foods of plant origin. Fresh fruits and vegetables, grown seasonally with minimal processing, plus beans, potatoes, nuts, and seeds.

– Olive oil as the predominant fat, because it is more monounsaturated fatty acids than any other oil produced naturally, and because of its high content of antioxidant substances.

– Limit the consumption of red meat and place greater emphasis on fish (consumed at least twice a week) and poultry.

– When flavoring foods (and they are tasty), use herbs and spices instead of salt.

– Drink red wine in moderation during meals. Grape juice is believed to produce the same benefits for people who do not consume alcohol.

– Limit dairy consumption to skimmed milk, skim yogurt and skim cheese.

That is just a brief summary of the Mediterranean diet. As mentioned, it is not specifically designed to lose weight quickly, but because of the foods it promotes (and conversely, the foods you should avoid), if consumed in moderation and with some exercise, it will naturally help you lose excess. of weight. But it shouldn’t be considered a quick fix, and if you need to lose ten pounds for your wedding next week, being on the Mediterranean diet for a healthy week certainly won’t. This is a long-term method of leading a healthy lifestyle, where you can eat large amounts of delicious food with multiple ways of preparing it. We have found that most diets, if followed rigorously over a period of time, will produce weight loss results. But the problem returns when dieters are tempted by foods that are not within their diet regimen, can no longer maintain that spartan lifestyle and give in to temptation, and the problem is attributed to a lack of willpower. The Mediterranean diet eliminates the need for willpower, and that is what sets it apart from most diets.

So now that I hope you are convinced that the Mediterranean diet will benefit you, you will want to know how to prepare some of these delicious recipes. There are many great cookbooks on the market, but the one we highly recommend is Healthy Mediterranean Diet Recipes, which is a monthly publication dedicated to people who follow this diet. It will definitely help you live a long and healthy life.

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