Tips for writing your own affirmations

Affirmations are simple positive statements that you make that reinforce something in your life. These statements can be about what you would like to have, such as riches and fame, or the type of person you would like to be, such as loving or assertive. You can always go to your favorite search engine and find statements that are particular to your situation. The best ones, however, are the ones you develop yourself.

Here is a simple process where you can do this.

identify what you want

Many people believe that this is very easy. You may think you want to be rich, but you really want to be secure. When you say you want success, you may really want parental approval.

To discover what you really want in life keep repeating the same question. That question is: “And what will that give me?”

For example, you say that you want a particular type of house in a specific neighborhood. Ask the previous question. An answer might be: “It will prove that I am successful.” Now he asked the question again. This time you could say, “People will notice me.” Repeat the process. He may tell you, “People will look up to me.” Keep doing this until you get a kind of inner ah-ha experience. Then you know that this is really what you want.

Develop your positive statement

Now that you know your true desire, put it into a positive statement using the present tense. An example, “My family notices my success and congratulates me.” If you follow the process above, this affirmation will be exactly what you really want. Yes, you may still have that house in mind, but that comes later in the process.

If you get your home, but don’t get what you really want, you’ll still feel dissatisfied and empty. The key is to discover your deepest longings. When they are fulfilled, you will experience joy and fulfillment.

Identify how you will know you have what you want most

This process actually works with your subconscious mind. It is your subconscious mind that silently guides and directs you through what it thinks you want to happen in your life. Your subconscious mind is concrete, not abstract. You have to tell him what you mean by what you say. This is where that house you have your eye on comes in.

How will you know when you have achieved your desire? List three things you will see in your life when the statement is fulfilled: “My family notices my success and congratulates me.” This is where you identify things like: “I have a four-bedroom, three-bathroom house built to my specifications on an acre of waterside land,” “My children attend an elite private school and are at the top of their class.” , or “My income after taxes is $250,000 per year.”

Once you have the three things you’ll see in your life that prove your success, get in touch with how you’ll feel, what people will say about you, and everything else related to your achievement. write it all down

anchoring it in

The final step is to use your affirmation with those milestones in mind. Do that now. Now touch your thumb to one of your fingers as the anchor of what you want. Throughout the day repeat that statement of achievement considering the images, words and feelings that accompany it.

Simply repeating this statement over and over will do very little. You need to bring with you the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic experiences that accompany your achievement.

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