Toby Keith Eat Your Heart Out Sandwich (a new sandwich recipe)

If you are a fan of Toby Keith, you probably know that there is a restaurant chain named after his hit single, “I love this bar.” If you are in Las Vegas, you will find that you have one at Harrah’s Casino. One of the items on their menu is considered by most visitors to be a novelty item. Toby swears it’s the best-selling item on the menu. What is it? His fried mortadella sandwich.

Well Mr. Toby Keith, we are here and now. going all in with our New Bologna Sandwich. We invite you to choose this recipe and serve it to all your fans. We think it takes your sandwich (which, by the way, is delicious) to a new level and will keep your devotees coming back for seconds. Here it is for the first time anywhere:


2 slices of sliced ​​bread (wheat or natural)

1 thick slice of mortadella (fresh)

1 thick slice of American cheese

3 slices of “hypocritical” bacon (you know, the kind that is already precooked, just needs to warm up) Oh, a man’s kitchen friend is something precooked that needs heat) Yes, you can fry your own slices of bacon.

Mustard (Don’t vilify this ketchup sandwich unless you have to)


Now is the time to make our sandwich. I started to say come on man-up our sandwich because women seem to get a little chipmunk when you mention “mortadella”. Guys come on, a slice of mortadella is a wonderful snack on its own. Try it, you will like it.

1. Butter the bread on both slices and place the cheese on the inside of a piece of bread and toast or grill. (if you are toasting the bread, let it turn light brown, oozing a lot of butter) You are now ready for the bacon and mortadella. Oh yeah!

2. Put that thick slice of mortadella in your microwave and cook for 30 seconds.

(You’ll love the snap and pop of the bologna as you take in the heat)

3. Heat the precooked bacon for 20 seconds (a little more or a little less).

4. Take the bacon and mortadella and place them inside the two slices of grilled cheese bread.

5. Drizzle some mustard on the pearl opposite the cheese side (mustard to your liking)

6. Put the two sides together and you have a delicious grilled cheese / bacon mortadella / sandwich. I call it the Toby Keith Eat Your Heart Out sandwich.

If you dare and get organized, you can make one of these new sandwiches in less than 10 minutes. But why rush, you will have so much fun? Invite your friends and serve this as your evening specialty.

Serve with French fries, sweet pickles on one side (other can be substituted), three strips of fresh, crunchy celery, and your favorite soda, orange juice, water, or your adult beverage of choice.

Perhaps superstar Toby Keith will take a look at this sandwich and add it to his menus, but even if he doesn’t, you should add it to yours. It’s super delicious and surprisingly satisfying and filling. Enjoy.

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