Top 10 Internet Marketing Tips for Beginners

In this article, I’m going to give you 10 simple yet effective internet marketing tips and also some helpful resources to go along with them.

1. Create a YouTube channel

A YouTube channel is not only very easy to create, but also easy to manage. According to most Internet marketers, video is the future of traffic as it continues to grow at a rapid rate year after year. So if you are not into blogging yet, you can start your internet marketing journey by opening a YouTube channel. Also, you can reuse stuff for your blog from your YouTube channel when your blog is up and running.

2. Build social media presence

Facebook alone has over a billion active monthly users and other social networks like Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest also have hundreds of millions of users. Social media allows you to connect with your target audience on a whole new level.

3. Create your personal blog/website

As an internet marketer, you must have a blog or website of your own. You need it because it gives you targeted traffic and allows you to build your brand. Above all, it helps people find you in search engines.

4. Keep track of your numbers

Set up Google Analytics for your blog. It will let you know what content is going well and what is bad.

5. Email Marketing

Set up an email marketing campaign right before your site goes live. Start collecting emails right away. You can offer some free gifts to encourage people to sign up for your newsletter. There are a number of companies available on the web that offer free and paid email marketing services to website owners. Some popular email marketing service providers are Aweber, Mailchimp, Convertkit, Constant Contact, etc.

6. Start podcasting

A podcast show is like your own little radio show. You can use various platforms to host and stream your podcast files. Sites like Apple iTunes, Libsyn, Podbean, SoundCloud, etc. offers podcast hosting services. You can also use which offers podcast hosting for free (unlimited disk space and bandwidth).

7. Redistribution of content

Learn how you can repurpose your existing content and redistribute it on sites like LinkedIn Pulse, Ezine Articles, Hub Pages, Medium, and other authority sites. Also post alternate versions of your YouTube videos on other streaming sites like Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc. Turn your videos into slideshows with MS PowerPoint and then share them on SlideShare.

8. Help people solve their problems

Create accounts on Quora and Yahoo Answers. Find out the questions that are related to your niche. Try to answer questions and mention your website/brand name in your answers if relevant.

9. Advertising on Facebook and Google AdWords

In most cases, Facebook advertising is cheaper than Google AdWords. Facebook also offers more detailed ad targeting options. Therefore, try to make the most of Facebook ads by targeting the group of users more precisely and effectively.

10. Outsource part of your workload

Internet marketing work actually involves several types of tasks, for example, copywriting, video creation, website and content management, reputation management, link building, etc. You can hire freelancers from sites like Upwork, Freelancer, or PeoplePerHour to do some of these tasks for you. It will help you grow and expand your business faster.

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