Turn simple conversations into customers almost every time

Enrollments Conversations are the key to a coach’s success in business. If you can’t enroll customers in your programs, you don’t have a business. But most of the trainers did not receive “sales” training in the training of trainers. You learned to be a coach, but not necessarily to be a salesperson. So you are in a position where you need more training, but you may not be sure what kind of training.

Usually it is some form of sales training. There are so many different types of sales training out there. When I participated in a fancy year-long group training program with a 7-figure coach, we were taught 23 steps to follow during a Strategy/Discovery Talk or Enrollment session. That’s a lot of steps to remember. And what I discovered was that it was difficult to stick to the formula. Prospects can pull you in different directions, especially if you let them talk most of the time.

If the prospect is a good fit, no matter how good your intentions are to help/guide that prospect to choose your program, when they don’t, or when they raise all the objections you can’t fully address, it’s disappointing. . And disappointment is hard to hide with a smile.

Inside, you wonder why running a coaching business is such an uphill battle. You’re just trying to help people and make enough money in the process to move on. Why do you need to be a seller too? Maybe you’re even avoiding these conversations because you don’t know what to say, how to establish your value, or how to deal with the inevitable objections from prospects.

I recently heard a teleclass from a business coach who said that even 6-7 figure coaches only get 25-30% conversions on their conversations and that’s what to look for. That means if you want 5 new customers a month, you have to have 20 conversations a month. Think about it for a minute: That’s 20 hours a month, plus the time it takes to find those 20 people.

So you need to have a marketing plan where you’re doing something every working day to get one conversation per day, if you work five days a week. If you want to estimate how much time you’re actually spending to get each customer, track the time you spend marketing to get those conversations. Then you will know what your true ROI (return on investment) is. The consequence is that if you want more customers, you have to spend more time marketing and having follow-up conversations until you reach your goal. It can be overwhelming.

But actually, there is an easier way. Instead, you could focus on improving your conversion rate. What would happen if that 25-30% were increased to 50-75%? So you would only need 7-10 conversations per month to get those 5 clients.

Here are some tips on how you can improve that conversion rate.

1. Check within yourself to see what beliefs are keeping you from getting sales; sometimes it takes some personal development to increase sales.

2. Get clarity on who your ideal target market is, so you target the right people who are the best fit for your programs.

3. Set up a system to pre-qualify your prospects, so you know if they’re ready for a solution to your problem.

4. Have a system to keep track of people you meet or connect with to help you determine their interest.

5. Learn to articulate the value of your program/service

6. Learn to establish the gap between where they are and where they want to go

7. Have a plan and be able to stick to it

8. Find your authentic voice and be able to convey what you do convincingly

9. Speak from the heart, offer your solution and help them decide on the right path for them

10. Learn to ask for the sale with confidence, without feeling like a seller

11. Bonus Tip: Learn How To Do All This From Someone Who Is An Expert At It

Learning to turn simple conversations into customers is almost always a skill you can pick up with a little help. Try these suggestions and see if your conversion rate improves.

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