Web Design Trends: HTML5 Vs Flash, CSS3, WCMS and More

As the internet expands the world of design, there are a few trends to watch out for. Web design constantly undergoes trend changes as the years go by. Certain aspects of design like HTML5 vs Flash, CSS, content management systems, and software development platforms are changing the way people create on the web.


Specific trends like oversized logos and headers, huge images, typography, minimalism, and intro boxes have been popular in the past. For the future of web design, there will be more HTML5, CSS, content management systems, and software development platforms. The great debate between HTML5 and Flash will probably go on forever, but HTML5 has great benefits. HTML5 is better mobile friendly and enables more interactive design on the web. HTML5 is already compatible with most browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. It also gives developers more flexibility and allows them to do more things internally and enables more powerful and interactive applications. HTML5 allows developers to manage data, draw, and play video and audio (which developers had trouble doing with HTML4). HTML5 has a new canvas and it also makes it easy to insert video elements. It also has a new geolocation API, client-side database, offline application cache, and thread-like operation.


Flash still has great benefits. Flash has better support for live and secure video streaming, it’s more ubiquitous, and the 2D and 3D APIs are more usable than canvas (presumably). The developer community is larger and more mature than HTML5 and the tools are strong and well supported. Designers are also more comfortable using Flash. Flash also gives access to the webcam and audio recording.


New trends in CSS3 include text selection color change, gradually changing links, 1px clicks, easier intro paragraphs, and RGBA box shading on mouse over. With CSS3, designers can change the color of selected text to match the color scheme of the rest of the site. Also with CSS3, designers can change the opacity of a floating link. The 1 px click causes the clicked links to move down 1 px and return to their original place after the mouse is released. The intro allows paragraphs to be easier as well and CSS3 designers to create a box shadow with RGBA on mouse over.


A web content management system or WCMS allows users with little or a lot of knowledge of the web programming language to create and manage the content of a website with ease. A WCMS can use templates and WCMS uses databases to store artifacts, content, and metadata. Most WCMS use server-side caching and most have automated templates, scalable expansion, easily editable content, scalable feature sets, web standards updates, workflow management, collaboration, delegation, administration of documents, content virtualization, content syndication, multilingual capabilities, and version control.

Software development platforms

Also known as HTML editors are software applications that are used to create web pages. These applications, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, allow users to create and preview websites in locally installed web browsers, transfer functions, synchronize functions, find and replace lines of text, find and replace lines of code, and use templates. These software development platforms may also use third-party extensions to increase functionality. Most of them can also be used with HTML and are usually compatible with Mac or Windows operating systems. Software development platforms often support CSS, JavaScript, and other programming languages ​​and frameworks.

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Because the internet is rapidly and constantly expanding the world of web design, web design trends are constantly being updated to new software, languages, and editing platforms. By keeping up with these web design trends, designers and developers can create attractive and interactive website designs that will increase in popularity and ease of use.

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