What is the number 3 reason why you will never find love?

The #3 reason people can’t find love is because they don’t know how to determine who is compatible with them. Having things in common is not the same as having compatible core values.

Most people only care about the list of qualities they expect from others. In many cases, they have no idea what the other person expects in return. Also, the very things they want are not the things they offer. Do you really have the right to demand something that you cannot offer? For example, you want someone who is very smart and has traveled a lot and you are not either. By travel, I don’t mean taking a beach vacation. Travelers are immersed in the culture of foreign countries.

What is most important is to take an honest self-inventory. Look strictly at yourself. When you fully understand yourself, it would be wise to find someone who matches the list you see in yourself. The more you know about yourself, the easier it will be to know who is really compatible with you.

However, if there is a large gap between what you offer and what you expect from another, use that knowledge to develop yourself on the other’s expected list. Otherwise, you have no right to demand what you cannot offer.

For the record, compatibility has more to do with family values. How do you handle money? How do they handle conflicts? How do you manage your physical and mental health? Do you care about physical and mental well-being? What is your attitude towards sex? How do you want to educate and discipline your children? These values ​​and in a more general way remain constant over the years or through thick and thin.

Some of you may doubt me. You may believe that you just need to like the same things. That’s not enough. In the book, The Millionaire Mind, by Thomas Stanley, he did an enormous amount of research on wealthy couples. He discovered that it wasn’t money that held them together. They were compatible values.

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