3 Nutrition Facts Every Coach Should Know

Coaches are often the first people to provide nutritional guidance to athletes. Unfortunately, many coaches are unprepared to provide such guidance and, under most state laws, they are not authorized to provide nutritional guidance. However, when it comes to sports nutrition, many coaches and players simply focus on gaining weight and muscle. This “plan” lacks research-based information.

Below are 3 key nutritional facts that all athletes and coaches should know about.

· Hydration. Coaches and athletes need to understand that proper hydration involves much more than water breaks during practice. Maintaining adequate hydration can be difficult depending on the intensity of the sport, the environment and each individual. A different problem scenario revolves around the classroom environment. As athletes progress through their day, a stop at the water fountain between classes can go a long way toward improving hydration levels. Poor hydration causes fatigue, weight loss, and contrary to popular belief, it is the main culprit for muscle cramps. Athletes must maintain adequate levels of hydration throughout the day. During practice in warmer areas (in a gym, outdoors during spring and summer, etc.) they should drink water gradually.

· Carbohydrates Glycogen is the body’s main source of fuel. Carbohydrates are easily converted to glycogen and without enough of it, you will see slow, sluggish performance. Eating lots of carbohydrates throughout the day will replace muscle energy lost in workouts and prevent the body from stealing protein from muscles for energy. A goal for athletes should be to eat approximately 50 grams of carbohydrates between 30 and 45 minutes after training. This could include a peanut butter bagel, a banana, and a cup of chocolate milk or a cup of Greek yogurt with a handful of granola. Remember chocolate milk – it’s one of the best post-workout drinks you can find.

· Protein. The amount and timing of protein intake are equally important when an athlete wants to increase muscle mass and strength. Protein builds muscle and repairs muscles damaged during exercise. When an athlete engages in strenuous training, intense practice, and prolonged play, a great deal of stress is placed on the muscles. If the total protein intake is too low, the muscles will not be able to recover properly, new muscles will not be formed, and athletes may experience increased pain as well as delayed recovery time. Synchronization: After a workout, practice, or game, 20 to 30 grams of protein should be consumed within 30 to 45 minutes of training. Amount: An athlete trying to increase muscle mass or strength should ingest 1.2 to 1.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight in a day. This will ensure that enough protein is synthesized for illicit muscle repair and growth. As a general rule of thumb, 20 to 30 grams of protein should be consumed at each meal. This will allow time for protein supplementation throughout the day. That level of protein can take the form of a deck of cards-sized piece of meat, a protein shake, or three eggs.

Here are four quick and easy post-practice recovery meals:

– 1 cup low-fat vanilla Greek yogurt with ½ cup granola

– Smoothie with 1 cup of vanilla Greek yogurt, 1 cup of water and 2 cups of frozen blueberries

– Protein shake mixed with 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup blueberries and 1 banana

– 3 eggs and 1 cup of rolled oats

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