5 Definitely what not to do when it comes to graphic design

Not paying attention when receiving instructions

Communication is always important, especially when it comes to the relationship between a client and a professional offering a service. Clear and informative instructions are a requirement of the customer, but it is also the responsibility of the designers to make sure these instructions are understood, even if it means asking a few more questions when something is unclear.

Of course, it would be a good idea for designers to review their clients’ directives over and over again, take notes, and brainstorm. If you are confused about any of these, it is crucial that you contact them so that everything is clear.

Using a wide variety of fonts

It can be fun to play with the fonts. However, this can be annoying for viewers who read an article with continually changing text up to ten times in a paragraph. Ideally, there should only be a maximum of three font types in a single layout.

However, it is recommended to use only one or perhaps two fonts. Using a single font gives continuity to the text, which is great. Keeping the number of fonts to a minimum is best for business card designs, as available space is limited.

Overthinking it

When you can include more in a design, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to. They should keep it simple as it looks professional and is more effective. Therefore, they should avoid excessive use of Photoshop filters. While overdesign is not a major mistake, it can also lead to serious problems.

The excess of elements included in the design makes it difficult for users to obtain the information they need. A design must breathe and flourish on its own. White space can be good, and in most cases it is much better than filling a blank with a lot of stuff.

When a brochure is filled with various fonts, colors, and images, this should be simplified and kept to a minimum. This will allow customers to focus on the most important characteristics that companies would like to emphasize.

Thinking in a limited frame

Although others may think that it is cliché to think outside the box, it does not necessarily mean that this is not true. A really big mistake in terms of designs like logos is getting stuck in a rut and sticking to known practices.

Graphic design is a process that involves creativity and, therefore, designers must be creative to succeed. They should try and experiment with different things, even if they are out of this world. Although this does not guarantee success, there are better chances when they try.

Promise a lot and then deliver less

Perhaps the most serious mistake that can cause harm to companies is promising more than they can deliver. As stated on the Go Layer site, in graphic design, people rarely find a job that gets done quickly.

So when it comes to expectations and deadlines, designers need to make sure they don’t promise something they can’t deliver. It is much better to complete a project before a long deadline than after a short deadline.

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