Why would a perfect God make imperfect beings?

Questions often arise from obstacles we encounter when collecting information on a topic of interest. If we are simply curious about the topic, a cursory answer may suffice. But, if we really need precise answers for some driven need, the questions are usually of higher quality, with a lot of thought before consultation.

Recently, I received these questions from a visitor to my website: “Why didn’t God create us perfect to begin with? And how does a perfect God create imperfect beings? At the end of time, He will make us all perfect beings, those who have accepted Him, so why not just do this? to start …? “ These questions are the product of … thought.

When God calls me to stand before Him, the material to come … it may not. But then again … it could.

The perfect god

The Bible declares that we have a perfect Creator (Deut 32: 4, Mt 5:48 and Heb 7:28). When he was alone, sin did not exist. “In him there is no sin” (1Jn 3: 5). This “Being” is beyond anything we can imagine. At some point, he decided to create morally sentient beings and reveal things about himself to those creatures. Now let me ask you a few questions. If all those creatures were perfect for eternity, how well would God really be known? For example, we now know that he is capable of getting angry. If everything was perfect around you forever, how would that be exposed? How could His long suffering, patience, empathy, mercy or justice be known? You already know the answer. These features would be veiled forever.

I believe that God decided to reveal aspects of his character that would only come to light if there were morally responsible beings who rebelled against him. In that scenario, many complexities of his character, some subtle and some not so subtle, would be revealed for all to see.

Created Innocent … and capable of sinning.

God created two orders of beings with the capacity to sin: angels and man. If they had been created perfect, they would never have sinned. They were created innocent – and then sinned. Most believe this passage refers to Satan: “You were in Eden, the Garden of God … You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, until injustice was found in you … You were internally full of violence and you sinned … Your heart was lifted for your beauty ” (Ezekiel 28:13, 15-17). “You said in your heart … ‘I will raise my throne above the stars of God … I will become like the Most High'” (Isaiah 14: 13,14). This was probably the first sin. It didn’t surprise God. He declares that he knows “the end from the beginning” (Isa 41: 21-23, 42: 9, 44: 6-8, 45:21, Revelation 1: 8, 22:13).

Adam was created in the image of God (Genesis 1: 26,27). Initially, he was free from sin. God allowed Satan to have access to innocent Adam and Eve in the garden. Had they been perfect, Satan’s device would have failed. But, the fallen angel prevailed. With the rebellion of Adam, monumental changes were introduced in this world. Here are a couple. God decided that Adam’s “gift” to billions of descendants would be … inheriting a sinful nature. But there was another “gain”. Satan became “the god of this world” (2Cor 4: 4). And he brought his legions.

God allowed these disasters in both orders, but He Himself is innocent of making mistakes. “God cannot be tempted by evil, and He himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when led and seduced by his own lusts” (James 1: 13-15). Every sinful creature will recognize this in judgment: “even the one who didn’t keep his soul alive” (Ps 22:29 and Isa 45: 23,24). Our perfect Creator will come out of this cleansing.

More about angels

Many believe that a third of the angels were infected by sin. The dragon of Revelation 12 is identified as Satan and “its tail swept a third of the sky” – a third of the angels joined his rebellion (Revelation 12: 3-9). I suppose that God created a finite number of angels and they do not reproduce (Mt 22:30).

We can find that all the angels could have rebelled, but only a few did. If that is true, it is possible that at a certain point, the uncontaminated angels were confirmed in righteousness forever. On the other hand, Michael, Gabriel, and the rest, may have been locked up just as righteous from the start as “His chosen angels” (1Tim 5:21). But whatever the case, I believe that angels “who kept his place” Give God credit for that, or else they too would have gone Satan’s way. It is doubtful that they consider themselves “higher angels” (Jude 9). Do you think they trust themselves, even now, to avoid ever sinning, even once, for all eternity? But my point here – I think Satan’s angelic ranks have reached their limit. There will be no increase.

God’s opportunity

With this scenario and reality, God made some determinations. Since He is still the supreme Ruler, He can impose His will, at will. “Everything that the Lord wants, he does in heaven and on earth …” (Ps 135: 6). To begin with, it seems that the fallen angels are so responsible that no remedy for their rebellion will ever be extended. But, with man, God decided to mount a “rescue operation”. But how could he justly redeem man without violating his own standards of justice? How could He work in this environment and come out without guilt or sin, and yet deal with rebellious creatures in a powerful and dominating way? These are “things angels long to look at” (1Peter 1:12).

In this complex scenario, God revealed many things about himself. But, some of these “scenes” are one-time events. For example, I do not believe that He will ever prepare another body for Himself, enter that order of creatures and allow them to kill Him. But that is exactly what happened in Jesus Christ. Through that death, God was able to extend his mercy – with found justice. He requires life for sin, and when he gave his own (which was not guilty of sin), he was able to apply it against my guilt. That’s why i say “Jesus died for me.” He died to pay for my sins. This is an act of undeserved mercy, but a necessary one. The act of the cross is intertwined with inexhaustible depths of wisdom, compassion, righteousness, justice, and power that I believe will be on open display for eternity. But the act itself will be a one-time event in eternity.

This fallen creation offers many opportunities for God to expose some things. For example, as “the god of this world” What was the government of Satan like? Perhaps this fallen age is an eternal demonstration (and warning) of what kind of rule comes from a creature who wants to be God. And look at the kids he helped produce … us! Jesus told the Pharisees that his father was the devil (John 8:44). Morally responsible creatures under the moral jurisdiction of the true and living God produce an age of violence, perversions, and death.

“I don’t like this! I never asked to be born!”

Well, I’m not that excited either. But, if my suspicions are correct, can you stop God? Your only restriction is that you cannot and will not violate your moral character. “… He does according to his will in the army of heaven (angels) and among the inhabitants of the earth; and no one can remove his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?'” (Dan 4:35).

“For the Lord of Hosts has planned, and who can thwart it? And as for His outstretched Hand, who can turn it back?” (Isaiah 14:27).

“Even from eternity, I am; and there is no one who can liberate from My Hand; I act and who can reverse it?” (Isaiah 43:13).

“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42: 2).

“… our God is in heaven; He does what He pleases” (Ps 115: 3).

Also read Job 9: 1-12, Isaiah 45: 9 and Romans 9: 10-22.


I think this situation of fallen moral creatures will turn out to be a limited event that occurs once in eternity. Sin will only be a reality in two created orders: angels and man. Any other order (assuming there are or are others) will never be so affected. I realize that some of you will not like what I have sent you here. But if you have a better answer as to why a perfect God created imperfect beings … well I’m listening.

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