a hidden treasure

There is a hidden treasure in the sea belt.
Everyone has noticed and definitely felt
It is beyond the reach of any at most unlikely.
Even though we have the means and are able

It’s taken years and it may take even longer
To know exactly how much more to explore
It can produce precious things, but it is still a mystery.
It has a long story to tell with the full story.

Life is like the deep sea and not fully understood
We have spent it looking for shelter and food
The struggle was for firm establishment and to remain in
It was the delusional impression that we have dominion over him and win.

In fact, we are where we were initially.
You don’t really get no break through or on the way
We have tried very hard to maintain personal identity.
Up to a certain point we have managed to maintain the entity

As intelligent human beings, we are still ignorant.
It was a desperate search and the efforts were constant.
He probed deeply to find out the exact mission.
Why are we on earth in such confusion?

We can find some of the solutions from religious source.
Something can be approached from the powerful force of speech.
Religious leaders try to insist on an unsuccessful push
It’s still hard to trust and believe

There’s only one thing for sure
No one can make you perfectly sure
With what all earthly things can you carry?
Why are we tongue tied and showing only our teeth?

We have probably come to know after years of work
Anger, frustration and worries boil inside
No other goal is seen with the continuation of life.
It has been understood as the sharp point of a knife

One knows in silence that everything must be left behind.
Nothing comes and you are not likely to find peace yet.
It is the burning desire to do something worthwhile.
Life goes on looking for meanwhile

Even though it was fought through various means
There were enough losses and gains.
Has satisfied the lust and much of the thought
Most of the parts have left us dilemma and sinking

A simple truth definitely emerges
All conflicts and interests merge peacefully.
Something has been done from personal experience.
Life was at odds with a lot of variation

The time has come to wake up and realize
The soul must be sought and forced
The mission of life is a lonely battle.
One must choose the truth and resolve

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