Drive – The ultimate athletic attribute and mental ability

Why do some athletes consistently excel when the game is on the line or when the “pressures” of competition seem harshest, while under the same conditions others perform inconsistently or at times are at their worst? moment? Why do so many athletes often perform better in practice than in competition? And what is the one thing in sports that most often separates the winner from second place? For so many athletes, the answer to these questions is not a mystery: the difference lies in the incredible 3 1/2 pounds of electrical energy, power and potential between our ears – our mind. The goal of almost all mental training exercises and peak performance skills is to strengthen and improve composition, focus, and confidence. These three ‘C’s of peak performance are paramount in their influence on sports-related performance. Look for the root of almost every positive or negative sports performance experience and you will find one or more of these variables. But there is another ‘C’ of peak performance that is just as important: our Commitment or Drive. The great Bill Russell, one of the greatest winners in the history of all sports, winning 11 NBA championships in 13 years, once said that “the heart of a champion has to do with the depth of our commitment.”

Of all the praise and superlatives used by sportswriters to describe Miami’s first NBA championship, most have focused on Dwayne Wade’s incredible will to win, drive and commitment throughout the series. It is certainly praiseworthy. His total of 157 points over the last 4 games including his Finals MVP with 36 points, 5 assists, 4 steals, 3 blocks and his championship winning performance make him worthy. However, when we examine Dwayne’s career a little more closely, we find that the real reason behind Miami’s first NBA championship has much to do with his focus and commitment to his career rather than the heroism of his final game. the NBA. In just 3 short years, Dwayne has increased his career scoring average from 16.1 to 27.2 pts. per game. His FT% has increased from 74.7% to 78.3%, his FG% from 46.5% to 49.5%, his steals from 1.4 to 2.0 per game, and his rebounds from 4, 1 to 5.7 per game, all with a small increase in minutes per game. game played These kinds of results and improvements aren’t the result of trips to the mall, fancy dinners, and lazy afternoons playing X-Box. These types of improvements are the result of blood, sweat and tears in empty gyms with a serious commitment to athletic excellence and continuous improvement. As reporters, fans, NBA GMs and coaches discuss the strategy, chemistry and development of their draft pick, it is this level of commitment that will ultimately determine the full impact each newly selected player has on the game. The 2006 NBA Draft will take on their teams. and the league.

Only gaining Commitment and Motivation will bring out the best in any athlete

Without a doubt, your level of commitment, often called motivation or drive, is the #1 predictor of how far your sport will take you – from elementary school to state, national and world championships, Olympic gold or Hall of Fame. . Motivation predicts how far you will go to improve and excel, both physically (skills and athletics) and mentally (mental training skills). You could be the most skilled athlete in the world, with the most gifted athleticism, possessing the most natural Composition, Focus and Confidence of Peak Performance; and yet, without motivation, all this means nothing. The talent would go to waste. If you have no desire to achieve excellence in your sport, you never will, it’s as simple as that. Motivation stems from a deep love and passion for the sport he practices and a deep competitive drive. Passion is something that can develop over time or it may have always been there: from the first moment you picked up the ball and the first time you stepped onto that court… there was a sense of something deep inside of you reaching out. live. For some athletes, it is purely the thrill of competition that makes them feel alive.

But any discussion of motivation levels during the game should always involve two levels of responsibility: one level for the coaches and one for the athletes. Some coaches are world-renowned for their ability to deliver the best “pre-game talk” and enjoy watching their teams lock down opponents with four quarters of impressive intensity. However, the problem many coaches face is consistency. That same set of ‘magic words’ that worked so well for one game often won’t work for another, and every coach has shrugged their shoulders at times during an extremely important game while asking, “where in the world is the intensity? I thought we had prepared so well!” This is where athletes must take some responsibility.

Maintaining engagement levels

The following 3 ‘quick’ tips will help any coach or athlete maintain a fierce level of intensity and a high level of motivation, regardless of whether the setting is a 6am practice or the biggest game of the year.

1. Inspire the athlete with a vision:

The great essayist Jean La Fontaine wrote “whenever the heart is captured, impossibilities vanish,” and in few arenas is this truer than in the athletic arena. Athletes want to know and need to know exactly what they should aspire to. As a coach, don’t just ask the athlete to lead: tell them exactly how you want them to lead (on the court? off the court? vocally? with actions? teaching? guiding? inspiring others?). .. ..Be specific!). General and non-specific direction leads to ‘general and non-specific’ results. If you are an athlete, don’t just talk about the year-end championship…inspire and challenge yourself with very specific expectations and goals that relate to the very specific role you will play in the championship. How will you contribute offensively (what particular skills will you use to contribute?). What about defense? What is your plan of action to develop these specific skills?

2. Set more ‘Performance’ based goals than ‘Results’ based goals:

Performance-based goals only relate to controllable behaviors vs. results-based goals that relate to actual statistics. They are not always fully controllable. For example, if an athlete sets a goal of shooting 50% from 3 points. Line up in the next game, or keeping an opponent scoring high in the single digits for the game, these factors can sometimes be affected by an opponent’s great defensive or offensive performance. Failure to meet statistical goals can be demoralizing and can add emotional pressure to a game or playoff series. This is not to say that ‘keeping score’ and setting measurable goals are bad things. On the contrary; sometimes this kind of goal setting and tracking is absolutely essential. However, most goals should be ‘performance’ related in such a way that they are based more on fully controllable elements, i.e. the intensity of the defensive effort, or the quality of the ‘gaze’ or concentration than the athlete hit the hoop before each shot. . Focusing on the variables that are responsible for the 3pt. the shot that actually goes in (compared to the result of the actual shot itself), can often be much more productive while alleviating any additional stat-related “pressure.”

3. Inject more fun into practice and games without sacrificing intensity:

As is often said of many athletes and their relationship with their coach… “if they fear you in your presence, they will hate you in your absence.” No player gave 100% intensity in every game of the season to a manager they hated. Coaches and players need to find creative ways to inject some fun into a practice or game. Creativity and fun in practice also have an amazing way of counteracting pressure. Pressure begins and ends in the mind of any athlete, and the physiological reaction to pressure felt by the body through muscle tension, short/shallow breathing patterns, and general nervousness is nothing more than the brain affecting the body. . Fun can counteract stress and the body’s physical reaction to stress in remarkable ways.

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