Factors to Consider When Weaning Your Baby

Weaning is the gradual withdrawal of a baby’s breast milk by introducing new solid foods. During the introduction of new foods, breastfeeding should continue to supplement the new diet. A baby should start feeding at the age of 4 to 6 months, although the recommended age is six months. It is important to feed the baby at this age because the dietary requirement cannot be adequately covered with breast milk and complementary feeding. In this period, growth monitoring of the baby should also be observed to ensure that the growth of the baby is being monitored. The following factors must be considered during feeding, this includes;

1. New foods should be introduced gradually, one at a time, so that the child has time to become familiar with one type of food before moving on to another type of food.

2. Start by giving small amounts of food with the spoon, increasing the portions as he responds to feedings.

3. Don’t force the baby to eat foods he doesn’t like. If they don’t like a particular type of food, then it should be discontinued.

4. Feed the baby with a cup and spoon.

5. Make sure all feeding equipment has been properly sterilized before use.

6. The first food should be very soft and continue to become more solid as the baby grows.

7. Once the baby accepts a type of food, give it more often so that he becomes more familiar with it.

8. Feed the baby 30 minutes after nursing.

9. Keep in mind that milk is still important for the baby as it contains the best source of nutrients. Therefore, milk can be taken with food and can also be used as a drink.

10. Prepare meals in a hygienic environment, and thus do so free of contamination.

11. During feeding, the child should be allowed to handle their feeding equipment to engage them in feeding.

This feeding process is normally very challenging, but it is very important for all children. All of the processes above explain factors to consider when giving your child his first meal. Parents should always make sure that the meals are always balanced to make sure that the baby gets all the nutrients in a proportional way. Even though feeding is being introduced, mothers should continue to breastfeed their babies until they are old enough to adequately feed themselves.

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