Manage your blog effectively

While managing a blog may not fit every business strategy, it can be used in so many ways that businesses should never overlook the value of having their own blog. Unfortunately, blogging has a reputation for being a time-consuming activity, and it can be, depending on how you decide to run your blog. How often new posts are published is really up to the individual and because of this flexibility, blogging can be very feasible for most businesses. Blog posts, for example, can only be published when the business has something to announce. Others may decide to post monthly, bi-weekly, or twice a week.

I initially started blogging in 2004 to help promote our business, with Dave providing the graphics, images, and advertisements. Over time, my passion for blogging grew exponentially; the simple act of sharing information that has a high potential to influence positive change in the world… It’s an amazing feeling! When I look at the statistics that show me that people all over the world are finding our blogs, it really feeds my soul, it’s like a sip of coffee for me. I get encouraged and inspired and want to do more and more and more.

I have studied marketing for some time in business management classes, forums and communication boards or groups, online radio shows, blogs and every book I could get my hands on from 1994 to the present, one is always learning. I have discovered that there are many techniques and tools involved in running a blog effectively.

Most blog service providers, such as Blogspot or WordPress, will allow the owner to create unique images and layouts, which will make the blog more distinctive. Once we decided on our business theme and desired reputation, we were able to choose the colors, graphics, text, and images that will reflect our business.

I learned in marketing classes that a business should be instantly recognizable, which is why our social media pages (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), blog, and website all have similar themes. We use images and colors from nature (blue, green, brown). At the same time, it’s important to keep each site slightly different so that it directly targets that particular audience. It is certainly an interesting challenge. Fortunately, I have my graphic and web savvy husband to create the perfect look for us.

Everything we do is cross-referenced to everything else. For example: Brummet’s Conscious Blog has links to our social media, the author’s Amazon page, Dave’s drum studio, our music blog, and our website. It also has multiple pages that people can find by clicking on the tabs just below the header. There you can find a media page (providing links to recent media appearances), a page for product reviews, and the “about us” page. We also created a special page for the local area, connecting volunteers with opportunities for new experiences. Similarly, the website links to our social networks, blogs, etc. Every blog post has little social media “share” buttons so I always use those too. I will post on social media and social media groups, send out invitations for performances, make efforts to highlight special appearances or to raise awareness for an event.

These days, I spend a lot less time blogging than ever before, by choice. In the beginning, she was probably working around 10 hours a week on behind-the-scenes activities, from answering inquiries to writing, scheduling and uploading daily posts, finding content or writing it. I spend a few days a month scheduling posts, often 5-6 months in advance, and then visit once every few days as needed to manage comments, check stats, etc.

To see what we’ve done, check out our two blogs:

The themes of Brummet’s Conscious Blog focus on promoting a conscious, ecological, proactive and positive lifestyle. We hope to inspire our readers by helping them realize the value of their efforts to make the world a better place. We offer networking opportunities in the form of posting articles, poems, advertisements and submitted resources or our product review services.

Dave and I also have a second blog for drummers and percussionists: where readers will find quotes, articles, interviews, product reviews, funny stories, memes, and more.

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