Scheduling romance: does it work?

Time is of the utmost importance. The time is used for work, children, hobbies, friends… where does all this leave your spouse? Time flies and never comes back, and it’s hard to live a life without regrets. Too often, couples lose that special connection that brought them together in the first place, because they’re too busy to realize the relationship is getting out of hand. Yes, you are busy, and yes, you could hardly manage with the time you have available. But, as the saying goes, time is what you make of it, and there are situations you need to make time for, like romance.

Is it too formal?

Some people think it’s too formal to schedule a romantic evening with their spouses. However, sometimes this is the only thing you can do. If life’s obligations keep you from including spontaneous romance in your life, you need to schedule it. Even if this doesn’t sound too romantic in the first place, what will happen during your date with your spouse and afterwards, has great potential to be as romantic as you dream of.

Deal with time constraints

There are certain stages in the life of a couple in which time is a very precious and scarce resource. In order to program romance into your life, you must first understand the situation you find yourself in. If you need to take care of a small baby or are starting a new business, there may be very little time to use for purposes other than rest or sleep. However, given the circumstances, you should think about introducing a bit of romance, even in small bites. Remember, something is better than nothing.

Be realistic with your free time

One mistake to avoid is being overly optimistic about how much time you have at your disposal. Time does not expand as you wish. Since you have a limited number of hours in a day, you need to make sure that you break it down into comfortable parts, and one of these parts should be offered, no strings attached, to enhance your relationship.

Are there many days when you can’t do such a thing? Do not freight. Something that cannot be done today can be postponed until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, even next week. As long as you don’t forget, you have the best chance of doing so.

It’s not wrong to ask for help

No one has to struggle with everything on their own. In case you don’t have enough time for romance in your life, you should consider getting help with all the little things that keep you from having enough time for yourself and your spouse. For example, it is not a crime to hire a babysitter to stay with her children while you and your spouse enjoy a night out on the town or get specialized services to wash your car.

You have to make sacrifices

You can’t treat your spouse as the last priority in your life. Think about the things that consume your time and that could be put aside to schedule a romantic moment with your partner. Sacrifices must be made, but if you don’t, you could end up losing more than you think you’re gaining right now, putting your relationship life on hold indefinitely.

Scheduling a romance might sound like a far-fetched idea, but the truth is, it can work. When you want to rekindle the fire in your relationship, there’s always something you can do, and scheduling a romance isn’t the worst thing you can do.

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