Some quick ways to lose money online fast

Most of the people online are looking for the quick and easy way to earn money online. But most people looking for quick fixes also find that their money is lost just as quickly. Get-rich-quick scams abound on the internet and this article highlights some of the most common get-rich-quick scams online.

The $5 Work at Home Email Scam

Very often one of my newsletter readers tells me about the latest work at home scam they have come across. This email or letter is just telling you that someone received a bunch of $5 bills in the mail and if they did, they will make money online. The letter usually has 3 names on the list and the next person is supposed to add their name on the list and slowly work their way through the email. The reason this is a scam and doesn’t work is that most people will just remove the main name and replace it with their own to get paid first.

The Nigerian scam

Most people online are now aware of the traditional Nigerian scam where people in Nigeria refuse to find suitable jobs and spend their time emailing people promising great riches in return for certain fees. Never hear of any of these scams, people who went to Nigeria to get their money back are said to have been killed while in Nigeria. For more information on this type of money making scam, a good resource website would be

High Yield Investment Programs and Other Ponzi Scams

These programs are often ponzi in nature, meaning that the owners will take money from subsequent investors to pay previous investors and then walk away with the money once they are unable to pay later in the scheme or if they discover that the amount of money with them is big enough. A complete survey of the websites in the area is very well designed as they generally use the same template on all of their websites. Treat all claims of legitimate trading with great suspicion as no one can really verify that they are actually making money trading forex or commodities online.

In conclusion, if you want to make money fast online, be prepared to lose it fast too. When it comes to questionable investment type programs online, put up a little money to try. You may want to spend some time reading online before investing your hard-earned money in any online money-making activities.

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