The importance of “self-awareness for entrepreneurs”.

Since Tim Ferriss published The Four Hour Work, in which he introduced the concept of lifestyle entrepreneurship, many people have been pursuing the same dream.

It’s pretty attractive, right? You start a business, automate it, hire a virtual assistant, and earn money while you sleep or travel the world.

Everybody wants that. That is why many people have dedicated themselves to teaching you how to do it. They say things like:

“Do these 20 things and you’ll earn six figures.”
“Get this online course and you’ll get rich easily with no effort!”
“I travel the world and earn 100,000 passive income a month. This is how I do it.”

But starting is not easy.
Have you thought about starting a business? Maybe you’re sick of 9-5, want more freedom and be your own boss?

All valid reasons to start a business. But you need a little more than that.

I have read that 96% of companies fail in ten years. so I googled it. It seems that it is not backed by research. One person probably claimed it once and everyone else copied it.

But there is some truth to that statement. Entrepreneurship is a long-term game.

Do you want to start a business? Or are you an entrepreneur?

The latter is something you do for the rest of your life. I have started businesses that failed in the past. But I’m still an entrepreneur. You’ll see?

Entrepreneurship is not something you do; it is something you are.
The question you want to ask yourself is: “What am I?”

This article may be about entrepreneurship, but you can apply it to everything in life. Building a strong career or business requires self-awareness.

In Letters from a Stoic, Seneca writes:

“You should consider whether your nature is more suitable for practical activity or for quiet study and reflection, and lean in the direction that your natural faculty and disposition lead you.”
Too often, we do things for the wrong reasons: money, reputation, coldness, outside pressure.

But in life, it is much better to follow your nature. Of course, to do that, you first need to know your nature.

Next, build your life around who you are, not what you or other people want you to be.

For example, I have always been an entrepreneur. As a kid, I always had a side hustle. I remember copying CDs, printing brochures and selling them for half price. Not particularly legal, but hey, I had no idea back then. That is what I am.

Who are you?
Ask yourself some questions.

Why do I want to start a business?
Am I interested in undertaking or am I simply attracted by the result (freedom, time, money)?
Do I want to learn the skills I need to be successful? As an entrepreneur, you need basic knowledge of everything that happens in your business.
If you are thinking of starting a business, try to talk to an entrepreneur in your environment. Ask what they do on a normal day.

Make your decision after careful consideration. Not after watching a video of some idiot pretending to be living “the” life. Or after seeing some motivational quotes on Instagram.

That is not entrepreneurship. That is a fantasy.

Starting a business is hard work. But it is definitely not impossible. And anyone who sets their mind to it can make it happen.

Just take the time to think about who you are. Then start small. Don’t overcomplicate it. It took me two business degrees to learn this simple strategy:

Research: Is there a need for your product? If it doesn’t exist, it’s probably because people don’t care. Nothing is new in this world.
Create: adhere to a product/service. You don’t need complex stuff with 10,000 variations.
sell it Yes, entrepreneurs are basically salespeople working for themselves.
That is all. And always repeat the same process if you want to introduce new products. Yo”

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