The mystery behind happiness

Have you ever thought about what could bring you happiness? Is it a material possession, like a beautiful house or a fancy car? Is it all external? Or does it have something to do with the inside of yourself? Read on to find out.

Yes, you are right. It is about your mind and body being in harmony with it. If you can be at peace with yourself, you can be at peace with others. So make sure that you can find peace within yourself.

And it starts with your mind, the vast expanse of your mind. It sends signals to both your conscious and subconscious parts of your mind that you are at peace. Let this feeling of peace flow into your heart and the rest of your body and you will be one with your mind and body. It is in these moments that you can call happiness from within. And it can be reflected outside.

As always, you can be as happy as you decide to be. Thus, workers in sunny paddy fields may be happier than all the gloomy people working in a well-air-conditioned office.

So how do you define happiness? What produces it? This can be answered by saying: life is 10% of what really happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.

If you could control your temper and your reaction, you could be much happier.

That does not mean that external things do not make us happy. They do. A child’s smile, a joke, a twilight scene, a bouquet of roses from his spouse – all these could make him happy. But the idea is not to depend on external circumstances to be happy.

Rather think happy thoughts and you will be happy. Happiness works best when we perceive it as an internal element.

Do not compare yourself with others who seem to be much better off. You don’t know their history, so don’t judge or compare.

What you have is enough, but you can have more by working on what you really want, bringing it into existence. The whole process must be happy and the vibrations of happiness will help in the process of manifestation.

So what is the mystery behind happiness? The simple fact that it is not an external element but something that has to do with your interior. Once you have mastered this fact, you can choose to be as happy as you want in all the precious everyday moments of your life.

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