A simple diet and exercise plan to lose a pound a week

If you’re ready to start losing weight, to look sexier and healthier, then the best advice anyone can give you is to develop an understanding of the simple solutions to losing a pound a week.

Understanding how to lose a pound a week will help you build a foundation for further healthy weight loss.

All people who have a goal of losing weight generally want to lose it right now or lose more weight than is realistic in a short period of time.

Start by learning how to lose a pound a week and use that as a foundation for further ongoing weight loss.

An online or offline journal or notebook can be a crucial tool in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

This tool will allow you to keep track of what you eat, the amount of calories, the exercise you did and how you felt that day.

A great option is to create a simple online blog for your personal use and each day post details about how your diet and exercise plan went for the day. An online blog also gives you easier access to diet, exercise, and weight loss forums. These forums will be filled with members who are trying to lose weight, maintain their weight, or have successfully lost weight. They can be a valuable and motivating resource in trying to brainstorm new and different diet options, ways to exercise, and encouragement to help you stick to your plan.

If you do nothing differently to change your activity level from day to day and reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories, you will begin to experience weight loss. Depending on how much you’re currently eating daily, you may find that it’s too large a decrease in caloric intake for you to comfortably follow. The same rule applies if you cut your calorie intake by 250 calories per day and continue with the same level of activity; however, this will only give you about a half pound of weight loss per week.

The next step is to change your activity level so that you start burning enough calories to achieve that one pound weight loss per week. If you’ve decreased your caloric intake by 250 calories, all you need to do is increase your activity level enough to burn 250 calories a day if you want to lose a pound a week.

What activity do you have to do to burn the 250 calories?

The first step is to look at your current activity level and find ways to become more active without it interfering with your daily routine or creating more stress in your life.

Anything that interrupts your day, increases the time you spend away from your family, or affects the things you are passionate about will ultimately increase your daily stress level. This added stress will increase your chances of not sticking to your weight loss plan, so make sure that everything you do to increase your activity level fits into your current routine and mindset. Going to the gym for a workout is a great option, but if it takes 1-2 hours out of your day that you need to complete other daily tasks and family time, it won’t be long before you have excuses not to go.

Walking is one of the easiest ways to increase your activity level.

Walking for an hour a day will burn about 200 calories an hour, depending on how fast you walk.

If your job requires you to sit mostly during the day, then start getting up and walking around during breaks and lunchtime. Consider taking the stairs when you enter work, during your lunch hour, and when you leave to go home. Park further away from the main entrance of your workplace if you can still safely walk to and from work. This simple change in your activity level will start burning the calories that are keeping you from losing a pound a week.

The success and failure of most weight loss plans come from not having the discipline to stick to the diet or the motivation to start exercising and stick with it to achieve your weight loss goals.

If you want to be successful at losing weight, developing an understanding of how we gain and lose weight and then implementing this knowledge will help you stay on track with your weight loss plan. Instead of quitting out of frustration, you’ll be more inclined to stick with your diet and weight loss program, knowing that over time you’ll start to see the pounds come off. This will improve your self-esteem and increase your motivation to stick with your weight loss program.

If you are going to be successful with a diet program, you must also learn how to choose the right foods, how to prepare the right foods, how often to eat, why exercise is a must, how much exercise, and what type of exercise. is appropriate to help you achieve your goals.

An important step before changing what you’re eating at each meal is to look at how you’ve been eating.

Do you find that you can only eat once or twice a day?

Do you find that you only eat once a day, but the food is high in calories?

Do you eat three healthy meals a day, but tend to cheat between meals with unhealthy snacks that are high in calories and fat?

The critical issue is being honest with yourself, so you can take the necessary steps to make small changes in the way you eat to help improve your weight loss success and become healthier.

When you’ve honestly looked at how you eat, commit to eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism revved up to burn fat and the calories you consume. This concept shouldn’t create a sudden sense of panic, as you’re probably eating a similar number of times a day if you honestly take into account all the snacks you ate throughout the day. We’re just tweaking something you’re already doing and making it healthier to help increase your metabolic rate for more optimal fat burning.

There are foods that must be eliminated from the diet to lose weight and maintain health.

High-fat foods and fried foods should be the first items eliminated or decreased from your diet. These fatty foods are deposited in the body’s fat stores and will prevent you from losing pounds and inches.

Reduce your intake of dairy products that have significant fat content by buying low-fat milk, such as 1 percent or 2 percent milk.

Start eating foods rich in protein, such as buttermilk, lean beef, chicken, tuna, turkey, salmon, and eggs. Eating foods rich in protein will help speed up your metabolism and rebuild muscles that are broken down during your weight loss exercise routine.

The fatty acids in fish are beneficial to a healthy diet and will help improve the strength of bones, teeth, nails, and hair.

Be careful to avoid snack foods that are high in fat or high in calories. Eating fruits or vegetables for a snack is a healthy approach and will give you better control over your calorie intake.

Foods like nuts, seeds, and flax oil are great sources of the essential fatty acids your body needs to function properly. Snacking on nuts and seeds instead of potato chips or other unhealthy snacks will keep you moving toward your healthy weight loss goals.

Drinking enough water is essential for optimal health and weight loss. If you try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, you’ll stay well hydrated and feel full, so you’re less likely to give in to those cravings for unhealthy, high-calorie, high-fat snacks. Proper hydration of the body’s cells and organs is necessary for proper function and to help rid the body of waste products.

Adding a good multivitamin to your diet will help replace necessary nutrients that you may have lost as a result of your previous eating habits.

In this fast-paced multitasking world, we all want results now. Postponing weight loss and improving your health can leave you frustrated or suffer from chronic medical problems like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and possibly death.

Trying to lose 10 to 20 pounds in a short period of time and not doing it frequently leads to unhealthy habits and frustration when you regain all the weight you lost. It’s not very good time management if you lose a significant amount of weight each time you diet, but end up weighing the same at the end of the year.

Depending on your current weight, you have the potential to lose 52 pounds this year instead of experiencing the yo-yo effect you may have during previous weight loss attempts.

It doesn’t matter if you are morbidly obese or just want to lose a few pounds to go to the beach or a friends wedding, from now on take a step back, take a deep breath and focus on learning, understanding and implementing a simple solution to losing weight. a pound a week.

Your success each week will boost your self-esteem and motivate you to stick with this simple diet and exercise routine for weight loss that will make you look sexier and healthier for years to come.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Curtis_McElroy

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