Benefits of Buying Begonias Wholesale

Benefits of Buying Begonias Wholesale

Begonias are a popular flowering plant that adds color and variety to your garden. They also make excellent container plants.

When planting begonias, be sure to use a container that has drainage holes in the bottom. This will prevent the soil from rotting or becoming soggy.

The size of the pot you choose is important as well. Larger pots will require less frequent watering than small ones do.


Buying begonia wholesale can be a great way to save money on plants. These flowering plants are popular for their versatility and they come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are also easy to care for and make excellent container plants.

They also require little maintenance, and you can expect them to bloom from spring until the first frost. But some begonias may require deadheading or light pruning, so you should take time to choose varieties that will best suit your needs.

When repotting, it is important to use a good quality potting soil that is specially formulated for begonias. You should also be sure that you are not putting the plant in a pot that is too large, as this can cause root rot.

Repotting begonias is a good way to maintain their shape and add more life to them. Begonias don’t like to be too dry, so it is a good idea to water them frequently.

A well-draining potting mix is the key to healthy begonias. You should choose one that contains humus and is rich in organic matter. You can even use a combination of perlite and milled peat for an extra layer of water retention.

You should also keep your plants away from excessive heat and direct sun, as these can scorch the foliage and flowers. They also need a lot of water and need to be able to breathe, so make sure that you are using a pot with drainage holes on the bottom.

Most begonias grow in shade, but some are more tolerant of full sunlight. Tuberous begonias, which have an odd root system, are particularly prone to fungal diseases and need to be kept in dry, cool conditions.

They’re also prone to powdery mildew, so you should be careful when repotting them. They’re also very prone to leaf and stem blight, so be sure to remove damaged leaves and spent blossoms regularly.

If you are interested in trying your hand at growing begonias, you can purchase the seeds for many varieties online. However, you should be aware that many of the hybrids sold online aren’t true to their parent species, so you’re not likely to get the same results as if you had grown the flowers from seed.


If you want to plant colorful flowers in your garden or as a centerpiece in a pot, begonias are the perfect choice. Not only do they come in a wide range of colors, but they also have intricate foliage that adds character to your garden space.

These flowers are also incredibly easy to care for and can handle mild periods of drought. Some varieties require very little deadheading, and they do not mind being spritzed with water from an irrigation system.

They can be grown as annuals in sun and shade and do well with a rich, moist soil. They should be fertilized regularly using a balanced liquid fertilizer. If you water too often, the leaves can become wilted.

There are many different varieties of begonias, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Some are ideal for large landscape plantings and others are better for hanging baskets or smaller container gardens.

Begonias can be planted as seed or from a cutting, and they do well in full sun to partial shade. They can even be grown indoors if they are placed in a room that gets filtered sunlight.

The best varieties of begonias for garden beds include the non-stop begonias, interspecific begonias, and wax begonias. These varieties are commonly found in garden centers and are available in a variety of colors.

Another popular type of begonia is the eyelash begonia, which features a unique leaf pattern. The leaves are slightly serrated and a variety of shades can be seen on the plant, including green, red, and brown.

These varieties are a great choice for gardeners who want to try their hand at growing begonias for the first time. They are a little more compact than other types of begonias, making them a good choice for smaller spaces.

They are an excellent choice for flower gardens or window boxes, and they will bloom month after month. They have double flowers that are fringed and incredibly fragrant.

Besides being an easy-to-care-for plant, begonias can be used as thrillers or fillers in pots. You can mix and match begonias with other plants to create an impressive, yet unified look in your garden.

Easy to care for

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance flowering plant, begonias are the way to go. With their lush leaves and large blooms, they’re an excellent choice for containers, hanging baskets and garden beds.

There are several types of begonias to choose from, but each has its own unique characteristics. For example, tuberous begonias are ideal for shady gardens because they have large flowers and attractive foliage. They’re also great in pots, decorative urns and window boxes.

They’re easy to care for, as long as you understand their needs for water and light. Begonias can withstand short dry periods, but they’ll likely die if they go more than a few days without water or rainfall.

Soil: Use well-draining, nutrient-packed soil with good air circulation. The soil should be rich in organic matter to prevent fungus and other diseases from affecting the plant. If you use a commercial grow mix, be sure to add a little bone meal and hoof and horn meal to increase the nutrient content.

Water: Be sure to water frequently but gently, so as not to rot the stems or cause the leaves to become damaged by salts in the water. Depending on the type of begonia you’re planting, the water should soak down to the roots or just beyond them, not up into the leaves.

Repot: Once begonias reach 3′ or 4′ in height, they should be re-potted into larger pots. Don’t make the new pots larger than 1” to 2” larger than their current ones, and be careful not to change the shape of the plant’s soil.

Temperature: Begonias need warm temperatures to thrive, so they’re best planted in the Spring after the frost has passed. They can be grown indoors as well, but they’re susceptible to damage from cold temperatures and may not perform as well.

Pests: Some begonias can be sensitive to fungal diseases, including powdery mildew. Be sure to avoid infested plants and remove them if possible.

Leggy growth: If your begonias are growing too tall, try pruning back excess stems and giving them better lighting. It’s best to prune off excess growth before it reaches the top of the pot or the base of the stem.

Long-lasting blooms

When you buy begonias wholesale, you get a lot of long-lasting blooms. These perennials can be planted in areas with dappled or full shade, and they will continue to produce flowers from early summer to fall. They can also be incorporated into container arrangements as filler plants.

Begonias are available in a range of colors and styles, from pink to red and purple. They are a popular choice for indoor container planting, as they thrive in low-light conditions and can be grown with other flowering perennials.

They can be purchased as annuals or as tender perennials that can overwinter outdoors in zone 9-10. In zones 3-8, they must be brought indoors or dug up and stored for winter.

To keep begonias healthy, provide them with well-draining soil and regular watering. However, begonias are susceptible to rotting if they are overwatered. This can be caused by fungal diseases such as botrytis rot. To prevent this, make sure the plants are not in direct sunlight and that their leaves do not dry out.

If you are looking for long-lasting begonias, consider buying a variety with large blooms and bold forms. This will help you attract more pollinators and make your garden look more beautiful!

Another option is to purchase begonias that are tuberous, which are more heat-tolerant and will bloom longer than wax begonias. These varieties are also easier to grow from seed than wax begonias. They can be started indoors and transplanted to the garden once they are about 6 inches tall.

These varieties have a distinctive cupped-shaped tuber, reminiscent of cow manure. Sprouts appear on the inside of the cup and roots form on all sides of the tuber. These varieties are hardy in the South and can be replanted in the spring or fall.

You can also purchase a number of begonias that have variegated foliage, such as Salsa Rex, Silver Limbo and Spitfire Rex. These colorful plant varieties are perfect for creating a striking display in your home.

You can also find a number of rhizomatous begonias for sale, which drape over the sides of containers beautifully. These plant types are easy to care for and have a wide range of leaf and flower styles. They are also perfect for attracting bees and other pollinators into your garden.

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