Relive your past life with past life regression hypnosis: myth or reality?

Past life regression hypnosis is a method used to retrieve memories of people’s past lives or incarnations; Since there is no scientific proof regarding the truth about past lives, the results of past life regression hypnosis are considered fantasies or delusions. There are different beliefs about the origin of these supposed memories. Some think they come from suggestions made by the therapist or hypnotist, some believe they come purely from the imaginative abilities of the mind.
Why do it?
When you hypnotize yourself to remember your past life, you are entering an altered state of consciousness. People who are interested in past life regression hypnosis have different purposes for it. For some, it is part of a spiritual quest. For others, it is used as part of psychotherapy. Some, however, find the subject of past lives interesting and use past life regression as a way of testing whether or not reincarnation is true.
The results of past life regression attempts differ depending on a person’s belief in reincarnation. According to studies, people who truly believe in the concept are more likely to have vivid memories of their past lives, while those who don’t believe in reincarnation will find it difficult to retrieve any memories.
For those who, for one reason or another, have tried past life regression hypnosis, they have reported experiencing several benefits, such as:
Freedom to achieve more fulfillment and happiness.
Freedom to improve health
more relaxation
More confidence
More control over your own life.
How does it work
If you are interested in performing past life regression hypnosis on yourself or someone else, here are some simple steps you can follow.
For hypnosis to work, you need the proper setup. The environment should be a quiet place where you can be completely free from distractions. The room temperature should be comfortable and the lighting should not be harsh or too dark. Your clothing, shoes, glasses, and any other accessories should also allow you to move freely and should not feel tight or heavy when you wear them. Now you need to find a comfortable position in which you can stay for a long time without moving or getting tired.
Next, you have to regulate your breathing. Do this by inhaling slowly and deeply, then exhaling slowly and completely. Repeat this until you feel comfortable with it.
Now comes the complicated part; Since past life regression hypnosis aims to retrieve memories that you are not aware of, you need to be imaginative for the process to complete. First, you can start by visualizing a round magic clock that indicates the date and time. Imagine the hands moving backwards, slowly at first and then faster as the clock ticks down. Allow yourself to completely relax.
At some point, you will feel the desire to stop. In this trigger, you must mentally command yourself to stop. In response, the clock begins to slow down until it stops moving. Then imagine yourself looking around you. Orient; check if it’s day or night, see what you’re wearing, check if you’re old or young, female or male, think of your name.
When you have collected enough information, you can move on to another time by going back to your watch.
If you enlisted the help of a hypnotist or psychotherapist for past life regression hypnosis, he or she will ask you questions to help you become more observant of your surroundings when you reach a certain point on your clock.

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