The benefits of metal roofing over tile roofs

For years Brisbane used tile roofs, and when they first appeared they were a plausible choice for a Brisbane homeowner. Since then, nature has not been so kind to clay and concrete tile roofs. The natural composition of tile roofs plays an important role in their early demise. Both clay and concrete tiles are very porous, which means that the water eventually wears them down and leads to costly repairs. After rain, heat, and freezing, the tile roof eventually cracks under pressure. Water is trapped in the pores of the tiles and then when exposed to the heat of the sun falling on them, they dry out only to be followed by repeated abuse of water reabsorption through new rains and hot and cold conditions. The repeated effect of expansion and reduction due to environmental factors causes clay and cement tiles to crack and break. Broken tiles on a roof leave the rest of the house exposed to serious water damage.

It is true that tiles give a home a quaint look, but their efficiency is less than desirable for any savvy homeowner. Metal roofs offer much more durability, as well as being aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Looking at just the environmental factor, the metal roof pays for itself ten times more in saving the consumer on repairs alone and is worth considering if you need a roof replacement.

Why Metal Roofs Are A Better Alternative To Outdated Title Roofs

Metal roofs can last the life of a home. Repairs are minimal and usually due to damage caused by the owner, such as when solar panels or other hardware are placed on the roof. A metal roof is so durable that it can withstand winds of up to 190 km per hour without lifting. Even severe hail storms cannot alter metal roofs, unlike the severe damage that a hail or windstorm can cause to tile roofs. Brisbane homeowners can even benefit from having a metal roof over a tile roof through insurance deductions, another more profitable reason to have metal roofs.

Once a tile roof has been installed and finished, it can still move as the house settles, and as a result, the tiles can crack or cause the bedding to crack or even look crooked to the naked eye. Unlike a tile roof, when you screw in a new metal roof, you will find that your new roof will not budge. As a result, your home will have better structural integrity.

Here’s why metal roofs are more durable than titled roofs

With metal roofing, you never have to worry about chips, rust, discoloration, or chalk. Colors do not fade no matter how much the sun hits the ceiling. The heat reflective facet of metal roofs saves the Brisbane homeowner money through its energy saving factor. Not only does a metal roof save a homeowner a ton of money, it also comes in a wide variety of colors and styles to suit any homeowner’s tastes, setting the home apart from the rest of the block.

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