Triceps workouts for python arms

Did you know that your triceps are much larger muscles than your biceps? If you’re looking to add muscle to your arms, don’t make the mistake of overworking your biceps and neglecting your triceps. Instead, use these triceps workouts to strategically build strong-looking arms.

The WORST triceps exercises

Most men do triceps extensions when trying to build arm muscle using cables, barbells, or dumbbells. But is this really the best way?

When it comes to building muscle, men have been misled into believing too much of the hype of old-school bodybuilders. That is, you need to exercise each muscle group individually to complete failure and wait a few days to a week for it to repair itself.

This is completely useless advice for 99% of guys.

You see, the human body is best suited for full-body workouts using a variety of compound movements. Not only will you save a lot of time with this method, but it will also help your body release the anabolic hormones that are so important for building muscle.

best triceps exercises

So what exercises should you focus on for maximum strength? Start with this principle: Your shoulders, triceps, and pecs work together to extend your arms away from your body in a pushing or pressing motion. In light of this, the best triceps exercises are:

  1. Overhead Press/Push-ups (against a wall)
  2. Bench presses/push-ups
  3. Weighted Dips / Body Weight Dips

Overhead presses, bench presses, and dips are weightlifting exercises you can do at the gym, but push-ups, push-ups, and bodyweight dips are exercises you can easily do at home .

Triceps workouts for maximum muscle

If you’re looking to build the maximum amount of strength and muscle in your arms, you should do one exercise from every three of the groups each week. I’ve found that for heavy lifting, 5 sets of 5 reps work best, while 3 sets of reps to failure work best for bodyweight exercises. No matter what, you’ll want to finish your set before your form gets sloppy to eliminate the chance of injury while maximizing muscle growth.

For example, if you go to the gym:

  • Monday: Aerial press 5 x 5
  • Wednesday: Bench press 5 x 5
  • Friday: 5 x 5 weighted dives

If you are exercising at home and doing bodyweight exercises:

  • Monday: 3 x (reps to fatigue) handstand pushups
  • Wednesday: 3 x (reps to fatigue) push-ups
  • Friday: 3 x (reps to fatigue) weighted dips

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