What is edit and correct?

Whether you’re a first-time author or learning about the publishing world, a big question is what the terms editing and proofreading mean. An editor edits the copy, right? What about big-name editors from big publishers? Who corrects the errors in the final manuscripts?

The truth is, editing can mean a few different things in publishing. For our purposes, editing will refer to line-by-line proofreading of a manuscript, including a focus on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Proof, on the other hand, is another term that can confuse writers. Although editing and proofreading are not interchangeable, there are some similarities. So what is the difference?

What is edit?

Editing aims to provide correct and error-free language, focusing on sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, word choice, use of language, and consistency. The edit will often include comments on the structure, style, plot, and tone of the content. For example, an editor can edit any passive sentence (Jim pressed the button) and replace it with an active sentence structure (Jim pressed the button).

The essence of editing is to ensure that the phrases and words have been used correctly and that they match the audience for whom the text is being written. Clear and concise sentences, and clarity of meaning, is what the editor looks for and changes accordingly. Editors will also ensure that elements such as word handling and capitalization are used consistently throughout the text.

Editors often consult the author on the text or provide suggestions while editing through comments on the document. However, this process will vary depending on what the publisher prefers for communication between the author and the publisher.

Simply put, editing improves the quality of writing.

What is proofreading?

Proofreading is generally less complicated than proofreading, and its sole purpose is to scan the text for final, usually minor errors. This includes a final check for typos, as well as spelling and punctuation errors. Proofreading typically takes less time and is therefore less expensive for authors, but it is still a crucial part of the manuscript preparation process.

Proofreading is done after the initial deep edit to catch any superficial errors that the proofreader or editor missed. Here’s how editing and proofreading overlap: both an editor and a proofreader look for errors. Typically the text is in near final form at the proofreading stage, and a proofreader’s job is to spot any typographical errors or formatting consistency issues.

It is important to note that these roles can change from editor to editor and project to project. If both an editor and proofreader cannot be hired due to budget constraints, for example, the proofreading stage can also be performed by the editor or the author. Writers must consider the high priority of producing clean and valuable content, whether online or in print, and creating an editing system that works for their audience.

Having two pairs of eyes on a manuscript ensures that the text is well written and does not distract readers with a lot of mistakes or confusion. While editors and proofreaders perform different tasks in the manuscript preparation process, both services are crucial to producing high-quality, error-free text. Many online editing service companies offer an edit round at a price and a review round of the same document at a discounted price.

Originally posted at https://www.EditorWorld.com.

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