Why over 500,000 webmasters use Rank Checker?

  1. personalization – if personalization is turned on, the results you see may be different than the results others see. This is true even if you are not logged into an account, the results may be altered by your recent previous search queries. To eliminate personalization bias, we offer an option that turns it off.
  2. grouping – To send fewer queries to Google, we get 100 results per page. If 2 pages from the same site are in the search results, they will be grouped together, so in many cases a low ranking page will see even lower rankings in our tool due to the grouping. If you add &num=100 to the address bar in Google, the results should align pretty well with our tool.
  3. data center and algorithm changes: At different times of the day, your query may access different data centers, and changes happen all the time too… Google made about 450 algorithm tweaks in 2007.

Even if the numbers don’t line up exactly, they’re still good at helping you see overall ranking trends.

yahoo! Search

In most major markets, Yahoo! it is currently in the process of transferring its search service to Bing. In markets where Yahoo! Search is still powered by the core Yahoo! algorithm, or Yahoo! ranking numbers will be accurate because we use Yahoo! API. However, in markets where Yahoo! has changed, you can use the other related classification data.

  • In the United States, Australia, Mexico, Canada and Brazil Yahoo! Search is powered by Bing.
  • In Japan Yahoo! Search is powered by Google.

Once Yahoo! has fully transitioned its upgrade process globally, we will update the Rank Checker to reflect your current results by market.

Other useful extensions and extras related to Firefox:

Do you have comments? Be aware of any conflicting extensions

Advanced Features of the Firefox Rank Checker Extension:

This free rank checker tool allows you to check your rank in search results from Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft Live, and has the following features:

  • International: in the options section (mentioned above) you can select to get results from international versions of Google and/or Google.com.
  • Presets: allows you to get a list of keywords that you can research data on at any given time.
    • useful for segregating data for different websites, different categories, etc.
    • you can save a preset list by clicking this button inside the Rank Checker interface
    • you can open a preset list by clicking this button inside the Rank Checker interface
  • scheduled tasks: allows you to search any of your keyword lists on a daily, weekly, monthly or any periodicity you choose.
  • After you have created a preset list of keywords, you can use this feature
  • To use this function
    • click on the word Instruments at the top of your Firefox browser
    • scroll through words range checker
    • click on the words scheduled tasks
    • at the bottom of the scheduled tasks window, you can list which keywords you want to run and how often to search for them

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